Essentials All First-Time Moms Need in a Baby Bag

Not sure what you need to bring in your diaper bag and what can be left behind? When you’re toting your little one along for a quick trip to the store, to lunch with a friend, or on a day outing, you might find yourself wanting to pack the whole house in your baby’s diaper bag or forgetting everything that you need. You either over-pack or never pack enough, right?


We know that it can be difficult for first-time moms to know what baby bag items are necessary, so we’ve gathered a top 10 list of essentials that every mom needs in her diaper bag.


The Basics: be sure to pack these for every trip.

1. Diapers

Diapers are a given, but be sure to pack enough to last you until you get home. And then pack one more than you think you’ll need!


2.     Wipes 

Wipes make changing so much easier, not to mention cleaner! Be sure that you have enough to get you through your outing.


3.     Changing Pad 

You’ll likely want a changing pad to cover public restroom changing tables. Sometimes, a changing pad will come with your diaper bag; if not, you’ll want to buy one (or you may find one you like even better than the one that comes with your bag). Disposable pads are a good option, especially if you’re on the go a lot. Many changing pads roll up for easy storage and won’t take up much space.


4.     Pacifier 

If your baby loves her binky, you definitely don’t want to leave behind!


For Longer Outings: If you’re planning on lunch with a friend or will be out for several hours, add these items to your bag as well.


5.     An Extra Outfit 

Even if you make frequent trips to the changing room, it’s still likely that your little one will have an unfortunate mishap and mess up his clothes, so having an extra outfit on hand is always a good idea. Even if he doesn’t have that kind of accident, he might spit up or spill something on himself. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


6.     Diaper Cream 

It’s easy for babies to get diaper rash. The constant rubbing from their diapers can cause irritation, especially when they have an accident. Diaper cream helps eliminate irritation and creates a barrier to protect their skin.


7.     Feeding Essentials 

Feeding your baby can be trickier than it seems when you’re out in public. If you’re formula feeding your baby, be sure to pack a bottle (or two!) and your formula and water.


If you’re breastfeeding, you may want a blanket to cover you, so you won’t be (or feel) exposed in public. Some breastfeeding moms prefer to pump their milk and feed it through a bottle when they’re in public. If this sounds like you, pack an insulated bottle bag or use a diaper bag with insulated pockets so you can keep your stored milk fresh and cool.


Insulated bags are great if you’re out for the day or dropping your baby off with family for the weekend and need more than just a few bottles. Just remember - it’s always your right to breastfeed your baby whenever and wherever she’s hungry.


8.     Burp Cloth 

Feedings can get a little messy, so we suggest having a burp cloth or towel on hand. Cloth diapers make great, inexpensive burp cloths that you can leave in your bag to make sure you always have one on hand.


9.     Bib 

You know your little one doesn’t know a thing about table manners (yet), so having a bib is extremely helpful when he decides he doesn’t want to swallow apple sauce or when the milk goes everywhere but inside his mouth.


10.  Band-Aids 

Call it overkill, but you can never go wrong with Band-Aids! Even if your baby isn’t walking, there’s always the off chance that she will get scratched or that you find yourself needing a Band-Aid (hangnails, blisters, scrapes, scratches, etc.)


Connect With Us 

Here at One by One Ministries, we desire to provide you with tips, tools, and advice that help you grow as a mother. We offer motherhood guidance and mentorship programs for mothers looking for a great community. We hope that this list of baby-bag essentials helps you feel better prepared for your next outing with your little one.

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