Posts tagged marriage
Growing in Marriage as a Christian Mother

We’ve heard it said that after kids, marriage is never the same. This is entirely true; however, this does not mean that marriage becomes bleak once kids are in the picture.

Over time many couples, they begin to feel more like roommates than husband and wife, especially when their lives revolve around the kids.

As a mother, you devote an incredible amount of time to your kids, and rightly so because they need you. They rely on you as their caregiver. But too often women get so wrapped up in being moms that they forget they are wives as well.

Connecting with your husband and growing in your marriage is are not meant to stop after a baby comes; in fact, your relationship can deepen. But it takes some work. If you’re struggling to connect with your husband, we have some suggestions for how to refine and rejuvenate your marriage!

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