Memphis Christmas Mom Blessing Day + Toys for Tots

One by One is excited to partner with Mid South Toys for Tots to provide toys for the children of enrolled One by One moms ages 12 and younger as part of our Christmas Mom Blessing Day!

If you would like your child/children to receive toys at our Christmas Mom Blessing Day through this program, click the link below and complete ALL required fields.

You may pick up your child’s/children’s toys during our annual Christmas Mom Blessing Day on Tuesday, December 10, from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at Kirby Woods Baptist Church. See below for details.

To register, you must complete ALL of the information on the registration form.

Click here to register.

Deadline to register is 11:00 pm, Thursday, November 7.

Please note: You MUST

  • provide your full name

  • provide the age and gender of each of your children ages 12 and under

If you need to make any changes after you complete this form, you must contact Marion after November 7.

Christmas Mom Blessing Day information:

  • You may pick up toys on Tuesday, December 10, from 9:00 am - 5:30 pm, at Kirby Woods Baptist Church, 6325 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN.

  • Please park in the lot behind the church facing Poplar Pike and enter the church through the doors under the awning.

  • We will have carts available to help you load goods in your car, but you must have transportation to take your toys and goods home. One by One cannot transport items for you.

  • If you are unable to attend, your mentor may pick up your items.

  • This event is for enrolled One by One moms only.