One by One in the News
Keep up with the latest news involving One by One
February 2025: Her PLAN featured One by One in their Her Community Pulse newsletter.
January 2025, Memphis, TN: The Commercial Appeal featured One by One in its article “Memphis nonprofit featured at TN governor’s mansion.”
November 2024: Evantell featured One by One in their Heartbeat Newsletter.
June 2024, Indianapolis, IN: While at the Southern Baptist Convention Women's Expo, One by One Executive Director Heather McCaskill was delighted to be a guest on Diane Nix' Coffee Chat podcast @contagiousjoy. Listen to their conversation by clicking the button.
May 3, 2024, Memphis, TN: Action News 5 featured an article on One by One’s third annual Mother’s Day Blessing Day. Click the button to read the article.
December 28, 2023, Memphis, TN: CanvasRebel featured an article on One by One and our Executive Director Heather McCaskill. Click the button to read the article.
November 8, 2023, Dallas, TX: Her Plan Texas featured One by One in their November newsletter.
April 2, 2023, Jackson, MS: Mississippi Christian Living Magazine featured One by One. Click the button to read the article “Helping Mothers ‘One by One.’”
January 24, 2023, Memphis, TN: Jessica Pyburn of Bellevue Baptist Church referenced One by One and our services in a blog post “Standing for Life - Together: How God Can Use the Church to Make Abortion Unthinkable.”
January 22, 2023, San Antonio, TN: One by One was featured as a partner agency of KRL at First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio for Sanctity of Life Sunday.
November 18, 2022, Memphis, TN: Pastor Jared Kress of Kirby Woods Baptist Church interviewed One by One Executive Director Heather McCaskill for Kirby Woods’ podcast Off Script to talk about One by One’s partnership with Kirby Woods and what One by One is doing in the community.
October 27, 2022, Memphis, TN: Erica Klass of the Ms Eklass program on WRBO in Memphis interviewed One by One Executive Director Heather McCaskill regarding our program for new moms.
October 18, 2022, Memphis, TN: One by One Community Ministry Director Kristy Dunaway was part of the Pro-Life Forum hosted by Memphis Coalition for Life. Click the button to view the discussion featuring several local pro-life organizations.
September 25, 2022, Dallas, TX: Bryan Johns with Way FM in Dallas interviewed Dallas Director Sherrye Richardson and Spanish Director Elizabeth Tangco for the station’s Community Spotlight program to discuss how One by One is growing in DFW.
August 17, 2022, Memphis, TN: Byron Tyler of Mid-South View Point on Bott Radio in Memphis, TN, interviewed One by One Executive Director Heather McCaskill and shared how One by One seeks to help women grow closer to the Lord through serving as mentors to expecting and new moms.
July 21, 2022, Memphis, TN: ABC 24 photojournalist Shiela Whatley interviewed One by One Executive Director Heather McCaskill for a feature. Watch “How a Memphis area non-profit is working ‘One-by-One’ to help support new moms” by clicking the button.
June 20, 2022, Wichita, KS: One by One is thrilled to announce a that we are expanding to Garden City, KS! One by One is partnering with the ABC Pregnancy Care Center in Garden City to provide mentoring services to expecting and new moms in the area. Funding for the partnership was provided through grants from the Western Kansas Community Foundation and Women of Purpose.
June 20, 2022, Memphis, TN: Listen in as One by One Executive Director Heather McCaskill and Memphis Coalition for Life Executive Director Bethany Pinos Luzuriaga -discuss how their ministries, along with Life Choices Memphis, support, partner with, and refer clients to each other to serve Mid-South women.
May 9, 2022, Memphis, TN: One by One Executive Director Heather McCaskill joined Harvest Church for its Mother’s Day podcast to discuss how One by One serves women in the community and how women can volunteer. One by One is local ministry partner with Harvest Church.
July 2021: Memphis, TN: The Memphis Mom Collective featured One by One Ministries as its Non-Profit of the Month. Click the button to read the article.
June 22, 2021: Memphis, TN: cityCURRENT radio host Jeremy C. Park interviews One by One Executive Director Heather McCaskill about OBO’s mission to mentor and educate expectant and new moms so they parent well and their children thrive.
January 7, 2021: Memphis, TN: WREG-TV Community Changers featured One by One as an organization making a difference each day to moms in the Memphis community.