The time between a baby’s birth and age three is the most important developmental time in his or her life.
A baby’s early experiences shape his or her brain architecture.
Positive, healthy, growth-promoting experiences help develop brains that are efficient and capable of handling challenges. Simple activities such as talking/singing/reading to a newborn will help his or her brain grow, even it he/she is too young to understand the words.
On the other hand, children who experience abuse, neglect, or high-stress situations often develop brain connections dedicated to fear and anger while connections dedicated to reasoning, learning, and memory don’t develop.
One by One provides moms with the education and tools needed to build a strong developmental foundation for their babies.
Every baby deserves the opportunity to become everything God wants him or her to be.
Our mentors educate moms and provide them with activities to help their babies develop social, language, emotional, and motor skills.
Mentors and moms work together on an interactive baby book and child rearing program. And mentors provide love and encouragement to the moms.
Our curriculum equips our volunteers to
Educate families about the growth and develop of their babies: we provide a month-to-month guide beginning prenatally through year one including milestones and activities to support baby’s growth
Improve the parenting skills of this generation to impact the next generation
Mitigate and prevent child abuse and neglect
Share the hope and love of Jesus Christ
Your baby’s development from birth to age three has a huge impact on his or her ability to succeed in school, to go to college, to get a job with a livable wage, and to grow into an adult capable of meeting challenges head on.
The Science
Early experiences shape brain architecture, and brain architecture supports lifelong learning, behavior, and health.
A strong foundation in the early years improves the odds for positive outcomes; a weak foundation increases the odds of problems later in life.
During the first few years of life, 700 new neural connections (synapses) are formed every second.
Connections that are not used are pruned away.
Use it or lose it: early experiences determine which circuits are reinforced through frequent use and which are pruned through lack of use
Positive, healthy growth-promoting experiences help to develop brains that are efficient and capable of handling challenges.
Negative experiences, such as abuse or neglect, may increase the neural connections dedicated to fear and anger – and prune those dedicated to reasoning, learning, and memory.
These changes are built into the architecture of developing brains. Ensuring children have healthy experiences helps to ensure the neural connections that are growing are the ones they need to thrive.
Serve and Return
Ongoing, reliable interaction with trusted adults is essential for the development of healthy brain circuits
Differences in development appear early – for example, differences in vocabulary growth between children in low socio-economic households and high socio-economic households can appear as early as 18 months
Without intervention, these differences only get larger as children near school age and then enter school.
The key differences between low and high socio-economic households are the number and quality of language children heard from birth on. In low socio-economic households, adults, who may be working multiple jobs to support a family and who may have lower education levels, speak far fewer words o their kids, and the context does not invite interaction.
Early childhood programs that expose children to language-rich environments and engaging caregivers are especially important for children in these households
Toxic Stress
Learning to cope with moderate, short-lived stress can build a healthy stress response system.
Toxic stress – when the body’s stress response system is activated excessively – can weaken brain architecture. This can happen from extremem poverty, neglect, abuse, or even severe maternal depression. ThWithout protective adult support, toxic stress can have long-term consequences for learning, behavior, and physical and mental health
The cumulative effects of adversity can pile up to derail the process of healthy development and dramatically increase the odds of developmental delays. This study followed children ages birth to 36 months who had been maltreated and found that the more risk factors they experienced, the greater their chance of experiencing problems in cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development.
And in each case, the majority of those returns are to society — not to the individual. So while the individuals who participate do have better jobs, better education, and better lives, in terms of dollars returned from the investment, it’s society that is the big winner, primarily through savings in crime and justice, health care, and educational remediation costs.
Several rigorous longitudinal studies have looked at long-term outcomes of participants in early childhood programs and their benefits to the individuals and to society.
Perry Preschool's returns consist of increased earnings for individuals and, to the public, savings in welfare, special ed, and the costs of crime, as well as increased income tax revenues.
All have shown clearly that there IS a big return on investment — ranging from $3 to more than $9 for every dollar invested in the program.
The three shown here represent different kinds of interventions, populations, and goals, yet all of them yielded significant return on investment.
Keys to Healthy Development
A balanced approach to emotional, social, cognitive, and language development, starting in the earliest years of life.
Supportive relationships and positive learning experiences that begin with parents but are strengthened by others outside the home.
Highly specialized interventions as early as possible for children and families experiencing significant adversity.